General Information

School Information:

Winston Academy of Engineering
Address: 3415 Swindell Rd Lakeland, FL 33810
Phone: 863-499-2890
Fax: 863-499-2894
Grade: K - 5

Our History

Winston Academy of Engineering (WAE) prides itself on our long and rich historical background. The years from 1928 through 1954 were known as the "strawberry" school years. Since many families were poor during this time, the children would help harvest strawberries during the winter and only attended school during the summer months. The first school constructed in approximately 1900 was a one-room building. It was demolished in 1928 to accommodate the first brick unit. This unit consisted of an office, auditorium, and a library. In April 2002, this building was dubbed a National Historical Monument. The book The Strawberry Girl was written about the area where Winston Academy is located. In 2013, Winston Elementary transitioned into an engineering-themed, STEM-focused magnet school with a direct feeder pattern into the highly desirable magnet program at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy.

Our Vision

Winston Academy of Engineering will ensure the highest standards of intellectual development through a stimulating and comprehensive STEM program with an emphasis on Engineering. The learning community is actively involved to instill within students the courage to take appropriate risks, and have the confidence to accept challenges. Together we will give rise to students who are resilient and adaptable, equipped with knowledge and a 21st century skill set to achieve their greatest potential in an ever changing, diverse society.

Our Mission

Our mission is to collaborate and use creative thinking to solve real-world problems, build and achieve dreams, embrace diverse cultures, and cultivate competitive engineers by preparing them for a diverse global society.

School Overview

Winston Academy of Engineering is located in the Northwest section of Polk County and on the northwest side of Lakeland, Florida. The campus consists of eight buildings and is spread out over a 3-acre tract of land. It is an original "strawberry school" receiving acclaim as a historical site dating back to 1928. Winston serves a diverse population of students from a wide variety of ethnicities. Our students come from all walks of life and from a number of countries around the world. Our staff represents diverse cultural backgrounds, as well, with a variety of countries from around the world included.